
Tuesday, August 6

17th National Scout Jamboree (BSP National Office Memorandum No. 45 s. 2019)

Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP)
National Office
181 Natividad Almeda-Lopez St. Ermita, 1000 Manila
PO Box 1378, Manila CPO, Philippines
Tels (632) 528 055* 527 8317 to 19 * Telefax: (632) 528 0577

National Office Memorandum
No. 45 Series 2019
Download Memo

17th National Scout Jamboree 


1. The Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) is pleased to announce the holding of the 17th National Scout Jamboree on 01-07 December 2019 at Camp Kainomayan, Botolan, Zambales with the theme "Commitment to Excellence."
2. Aims and Objectives. The Jamboree aims to provide a progressive, safe and enjoyable learning environment for the Scouts in order to enhance their physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual potentials. At the end the Jamboree, the participants should be able to:

   2.1 Promote the highest quality of Scouting, one that is faithful to the mission, principles and method of Scouting and adapted to the needs and aspirations of young people;

   2.2 Undertake high-adventure activities, including community service projects related to the current thrusts of World Scouting (Environment Education, Peace Education and Development Education) through the Messengers of the Peace (MoP) Initiatives, World Scout Environment Programme (WSEP, including the Solar Badge) and the Scouts of the World Award (SWA);

   2.3 Undergo projects, programs and activities that will cater to the fulfillment of the requirements of selected merit badges and scout ranks under the Advancement Scheme;

  2.4 Develop core life skills and 21st century leadership capabilities through team building, cooperative learning, group dynamics, creative problem-solving and decision-making skills;

  2.5 Keep oneself abreast with the prevailing issues about the environment, human rights, health, education, culture, and science and technology through the Global Development Village, City of Science and Cross Roads of Cultures.

3. Qualifications. The following are the qualifications for the participating Scouts and Adult Leaders viz:
    3.1 A Scout is expected to have leadership potentials, sufficient camping experience, and physically fit to undergo strenuous activitites with corresponding parent's consent and:

  • Must be currently registered as a Boy or a Senior Scout
  •  Must be at least ten (10) to twelve (12) years old for Boy Scouts and twelve (12) to seventeen (17) years old for Senior Scouts
  • Must be equipped with camping gears
  • Must have camping experience.

   3.2 Participating Adult Leaders must have the maturity and clarity about his/her roles and

  • Must be currently registered
  • Must be physically fit as certified by a physician
  • Must be of good moral character
  • Must be equipped with camping gears
  • Preferably a Bead Holder or graduate of Advanced Training Courses (ATC)

4. Registration Details: Stated below are important information regarding the Jamboree Registration System and Procedure, viz:

4.1 Registration Fee. A Registration Fee of FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (PhP 500.00) shall be charged from each of the participants in order to defray administrative costs, program materials, souvenir items and other operating expenses.

Registration Fees for the Jamboree must be paid directly to the host council (Ramon Magsaysay Council) via bank transfer to their bank account, Landback Bank Account Name: Ramon Magsaysay Council, BSP with Account Number - 1121090828.

The Roster of Participants (see attached), together with the photocopy or scanned copy of the bank deposit slip must be submitted to the host council through the Council Scout Executive on the same date via e-mail at

4.2 Pre-Registration and Deadlines. A non-refundable but transferable Reservation Deposit of Three Hundred Pesos (PhP 300.00) must be paid to the host council on or before 27 September 2019, Friday. The remaining balance must be setteled not later than 31 October 2019, Thursday.

To preclude any logistical problems and complications, the Pre-Registration will DETERMINE THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS of each Local Council and/or Scouting Region. The Jamboree Organizing Committee and the National Project Management Team WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING ANY ON-SITE REGISTRATION. ONLY THE HOST RAMON MAGSAYSAY COUNCIL IS AUTHORIZED TO COLLECT AND/OR RECEIVE THE JAMBOREE REGISTRATION FEE.
Regardless as to whether the total numbers of pre-registered participants have been met or not during the actual conduct of the Jamboree, the Local Council will be required to pay for the remaining balance of the total number of pre-registered participants.

5. Participant Ratio. To exercise effective and efficient unit organization and management, a ratio of one (1) Adult Leader for every eight (8) Boy/Senior Scouts (1:8) must be observed in the composition of the Jamboree Contingent.

6. Participation Quota. The participation to the Jamboree will come from the one hundred twenty (120) Local Councils and ten (10) Scouting Regions of the BSP and is pro-rated as follows:

7. Food Provision. The Jamboree Contingent of each Local Council must provide for their own food and other basic requirements that will be sufficient throughout the entire duration of the Jamboree. Each contingent is responsible in managing their respective kitchens, mess and commissaries. Wet and Dry Markets will be made available at the Jamboree Site in order to ensure the availabiltiy of food supplies at reasonable prices.

8. Travel Itinerary. All Jamboree Contingents are advised to submit their Jamboree itinerary to their respective Regional Scout Directors for record and reference purposes. Furthermore, all participants are advised to report at the Jamboree Site not later than 0900H of 01 December 2019, Sunday and will only be cleared to leave the camp after the Grand Closing Ceremony.

9. Jamboree Bulletins. The National and Local Jamboree Organizing Committees, thru the National Project Management Team of the 17th National Scout Jamboree, will be publishing and releasing Jamboree Bulletins from time to time in order to provide everyone with the latest information and details about the Jamboree, allowing and enabling all participants to adequately prepare for the event.

10. The Regional Scout Directors and Council Scout Executives/ Officers-in-Charge are hereby directed to ensure the maximum participation of the Scouts and the Adult Leaders within your respective regions and Local Councils. You are further advised to organize working committees in order to support your respective Contingent Management Teams (CMTs) to ensure the efficient preparaton for the events and smooth relay of information and other details.

Should you have any questions/s and/or quiry/ies, you may refer them to the Office of the Secretary General or the Field Operations Division thru the any of the following persons:

Project Coordinator, 17th NSJ

Project Officer, 17th NSJ

Acting Director, FOD

11. For information, guidance, compliance and widest disseminatoin of all concerned.

Secretary General

For Attachments Pls. Download the Copy of the Memo

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